Mr. Windy's Running On Empty Podcast

Mr. Windy's Running On Empty - I got dis new sowng, riiight? (hiccup)

(hiccup) Oh maaan, lissten up, ev’rybuddy… (burp) (hiccup) I got dis new sowng, riiight? (hiccup) An’ it’s like, ev’rybody looooves it, man… (slurring) They’re all sayin’, “Dude, dis sowng is awsum!” (hiccup) An’ I’m like, “Yeeeah, I know, riiight?” (stammering) Cuz it’s got, like, da bes’ melody, an’ da bes’ lyriks… (mumbling) an’ ev’rybody’s singin’ along, man… (slurring) They can’t get enuf of it, riiight? (burp) (hiccup) Mr. Windy yea yea yea!!

An’ I’m like, “Whaaat’s da big deal ’bout dis sowng?” It’s about (hiccup) my moth ah fu kin ass. An’ dey’re all like, “Dude, it’s jus’ so… so… (stammering) so… gooood!” (laughing) (hiccup) An’ I’m like, “Yeeeah, I know, man… I’m a genius!” (hiccup) Cuz I wrote it, riiight? (slurring) I’m da bes’ songwriter eva! (burp) (hiccup)

An’ now, ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout it, man… it plays on radio (mumbling) dey’re all like, “Have you heard dat new sowng?” (hiccup) An’ I’m like, “Yeeeah, I’m da one who wrote it, riiight?” (laughing) (hiccup) An’ dey’re all like, “Wow, you’re so talented!” (slurring) An’ I’m like, “Yeeeah, I know, man… I’m a rockstar!” (hiccup) (burp) this aint’ my only hit record. Shhhhhiii.

So, lissten up, ev’rybuddy… WKLT(burp) (hiccup) You gotta hear dis sowng, man… it’s K Rock, but Country (slurring) It’s gonna be da bes’ thing you eva heard, riiight? (laughing) (hiccup) Cuz it’s got, like, da bes’ beat, an’ da bes’ lyriks… (mumbling) an’ ev’rybody’s gonna love it, man… (hiccup) Trust me, I know what I’m talkin’ ’bout… (burp) (hiccup) I’m da expert, riiight? (laughing) Woo-hoo! (hiccup) call my phone. F   What?

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