BJ and Bill

BJ and Bill The Podcast EP - 125


Some really big news on the podcast this week, and we’re not talking about football! Well, there’s some football chatter later in the show, but this is someting completely different. BJ has finally – after years of prodding by his family and his old partner Bill Stevenes – finallly found himself someone who is going to help him write his life story down in a real, live, available-on-Amazon book. 

Of course it’s just now in the planning and negotiation stages, but that’s a big development, for sure! Can’t wait to see and read the finished product. We’ll keep you updated. 

And yes, there’s some football talk on the shwo as well. Only the “big game” is left to play, in two weeks, between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles. Should be fun, to see KC going for the “three-peat.” 

As always, your five-star reviews and comments are always welcome and appreciated. Post your review wherever you get your podcats, and visit us on Facebook. Just do a search for “BJandBillPodcast” and you’ll find us. 

See you next week! 

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