The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth

The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 024


We’ve decided to make it a “thing” every week… our little opening story or “Lesson from the Universe.” What have we learned – or simply been shown – by the universe in the past week that’s made an impression on us. Might be good… might be a little negative. Doesn’t matter. Bill and Vicki believe that everything that happens to us in this life has something to learn from, something to grow from. What’s that been for you this week? 

Also, Bill found a wonderful article (see the link below) talking about setting personal boundaries in life, even if you are the person that “everyone depends on.” For Bill, there’s some personal / inward connection as well, as he’s working on some “boundary issues” of his own, for himself. A little weird, yes, but check it out. 

BTW, big thanks and shout-out to this blog for the “boundaries” info:


There’s more as well… you’re just going to have to listen in to find out what it is! 

Thanks again for joining us!

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 – Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email: [email protected], phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology geek…it’s something he’s passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here’s his channel: Bills iPhone Tips – YouTube

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