Coolest Geek Alive

VINCE McMONSTER: 22 Suspicious Deaths of WWE Superstars AND the DOCUMENTED EVIL of Vince McMahon!


Owen Hart! Randy Savage! Chyna! Roddy Piper! Eddie Guerrero! The Ultimate Warrior! Rick Rude! Sherri Martel! Miss Elizabeth! Chris Benoit! Test! Bam Bam! Doink! Mr. Perfect! Crash Holly! Davey Boy Smith! Brian Pillman! Mike Von Erich! Lance Cade! Ashley Massaro! Referee Joey Marella! Just a fraction of the people who have died before their time who have been connected to the WWE & Vince McMahon in various ways. After digging in deep into the provable sins of Vince McMahon and looking at a wide range of evidence suggesting foul play in more than a handful of the deaths listed above, the Coolest Geek Alive is calling to REOPEN ALL INVESTIGATIONS into ANY DEATH of ANY WWE SUPERSTAR! Because Jesse Blaze Snider believes they may ALL lead back to ONE MAN: McMahon.


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